Transition Your Home to Fall

The leaves have started to change color and the air is getting crisper; it’s time to say goodbye to the sunny days of summer and hello to the cozy warmth of fall. What better way to celebrate the changing seasons than by giving your home a fresh fall makeover?

layer In The Cozy

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, pillows and throws can completely transform the feeling of a space. With the cooler months of fall upon us, we love switching out any light-weight fabrics for heavier options. Layering different patterns and textures instantly creates the sense of warmth. Easily transition your living room by adding throws and switching out cushions.

Take a different ambiance

As much as we may wish it wasn’t the case, our nights are getting longer. When we can no longer rely on sunlight to illuminate our homes creating the perfect indoor lighting ambiance become crucial. Layer your lighting options with floor lamps, table lamps and wall scones; candles are also a fall favourite!

add our own warmth

Using a warmer colour palette in the fall gives your home a fresh fall feel. Moody browns, rich greens and deep oranges reflect the outdoors and can be incorporated in decor or art. Adding a couple pieces can make all the difference.

When the outdoors has that chill there is nothing better than coming home to an instant “hug”. Adding warm hues and layering texture can make any space cozy embrace ready.

Happy Friday!

Photo Credit: LTK, Studio Mcgee, Jenna Sue Design, Nadia Stay


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